My father-in-law, Moose Mack, is many things, but a sports fan isn’t one of them.
The only thing that rivals his hatred of pro sports is his love of dirty jokes and inappropriate language.
The man is quite literally a walking encyclopedia of offensive humor.
So when my mother-in-law’s physical decline accelerated in 2024, I decided to cheer him up by sending him a little gift in the form of a sports card each week. The catch: the only cards he’d receive would be of players with humorously offensive names that would bring a smile to his face.
A shocking amount of time and research went into this project, as I hunted down pro, college, and even high school athletes whose names made me giggle and waded through sites like EBay and Etsy trying to locate and purchase them.
The cards below are what I’ve sent to date, with more arriving at my father-in-law’s house every 7-10 days.
Museum Collections
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